privacy shield

Irish Watchdog Provides Update On Data Transfer For Meta – Report

Ireland's data watchdog is to consult with fellow EU regulators in April over Meta's Facebook data transfers to the United…

2 years ago

EU Watchdog Begins Joint Investigation Into Public Sector Cloud Use

European Data Protection Board announces co-ordinated investigation over the use of cloud-based services by public sector organisations

2 years ago

Mark Zuckerberg Mulls Closing Down Facebook, Instagram In Europe

Potential shutdown of Facebook and Instagram services in Europe has been suggested, if Meta can not process European data on…

2 years ago

Companies Warned To Prepare For Data Transfer Challenges

Lack of progress on successor to Privacy Shield transatlantic data transfer agreement and UK exit from GDPR likely to mean…

4 years ago

European Parliament Votes To Suspend Privacy Shield

The data-sharing agreement could be put on hold from 1 September if the Trump administration continues to delay compliance

6 years ago

Court Strikes Down Facebook Appeal In Landmark Privacy Case

Case is referred 'immediately' to the European Court of Justice

6 years ago

Facebook Moves To Block Privacy Case From Reaching Top EU Court

A ruling by the European Court of Justice could disrupt transatlantic data transfers for thousands of companies

6 years ago

EU-US Privacy Shield Passes First Annual Review

Relief for Facebook, Google etc as controversial data sharing agreement with the US passes its first test

7 years ago

EU-US Privacy Shield Heads Into First Annual Review

The controversial pact faces its first test, as data protection policies under the new US administration spur European criticism

7 years ago

Telcos Hope To Erode US Customer Privacy Protection But EU Privacy Shield Is Safe

UK and EU privacy regulators expressed concern over the new US administration's data-protection policies

7 years ago

Swiss-US Privacy Shield Mimics EU Data Sharing Arrangement

Switzerland's Privacy Shield data transfer agreement with the US is similar to the EU, aiding multinationals and offering potential Brexit…

8 years ago

Privacy Shield Faces Second Legal Challenge From French Privacy Advocacy Group

A second group of privacy campaigners join legal challenge to US-European Privacy Shield agreement

8 years ago

EU-US Privacy Shield Faces European Legal Challenge

Irish privacy campaign group files legal challenge, arguing Privacy Shield is not strong enough

8 years ago

Dropbox Receives Privacy Shield Certification For EU-US Data Transfers

Dropbox says it is protecting the privacy of its customers but is Privacy Shield better than Binding Corporate Rules?

8 years ago

Box Looks Beyond Privacy Shield With EU Binding Corporate Rule Approval

Box gets EU binding corporate rules approval to safeguard European customer privacy following 'extraordinary' reversal of Safe Harbour last year

8 years ago

Google Agrees To Privacy Shield Framwork

Google is latest giant to adhere to new rules about data transfer between Europe and the US

8 years ago

European Union Officially Adopts Privacy Shield Data Protection Framework

Safe Harbour 2.0 gets green light from member states, comes into force immediately

8 years ago

ICO: Future UK Data Protection Laws Must Equal Those Of EU

Safe Habour advice. British data protection act should be used when transferring data to US, says ICO

8 years ago

Brexit Concern As EU and US Agree To Strengthen Privacy Shield

The United States and EU agree to modify data transfer pact, but what now for the UK?

8 years ago

Irish Watchdog Refers Facebook Data Transfers To European Court

Debate over data privacy reaches next level as Facebook's transfers to the US are pushed up the legal ladder

8 years ago

What Is GDPR And What Do You Need To Do About It?

The two-year timer starts today before compulsory compliance of GDPR, the new EU data protection directive, is enforced, but are…

8 years ago

Privacy, Not Performance, Is TechWeek Readers’ Main Motivation To Store Data In EU

Data protection regulations and privacy are important concerns for businesses

8 years ago

Privacy Shield Setback After Officials Demand More Time

Meeting with European officials fails to reach agreement on data sharing agreement with the United States

8 years ago

Poll: Does It Matter To You If Your Data Is Stored In The EU?

Cloud vendors are bringing customer data closer, but does being covered by European data protection laws matter to you?

8 years ago

Data Breaches Give Rise To ‘Privacy Conscious’ Smart Home Hubs

As more of our lives become connected to the IoT, fears mount about the amount and type of information we…

8 years ago

Microsoft Knows It Needs To Be ‘Explicit And Transparent’ With Customer Data

As Microsoft sues US gov for the right to alert customers when their data is snooped upon, its cloud director…

8 years ago

NetSuite’s Euro Invasion In Full Swing With Benelux Expansion

NetSuite opens headquarters in Amsterdam, gears up OneWorld for customers in The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg

8 years ago

Box CEO Supports Apple In FBI Battle But Looks At Privacy Shield Alternatives

Box CEO Aaron Levie says there needs to be a discussion between the tech industry and authorities about digital regulation…

8 years ago

Privacy Shield Fails To Gain EU Data Watchdog Support

European data protection watchdog group says new agreement does not provide enough reassurance over US spying

8 years ago