A Cornish technology teacher has won the prize draw for eWEEK Europe UK’s iPad. The next prize offered to our newsletter subscribers is a solar charging backpack.
eWEEK Europe got an iPad from the US before the Apple device was launched in the UK. It has proved a popular gadget with two million sold already, and many imitators launched including tablets from Dell, as well as Hewlett-Packard and Samsung – with other companies planning tablets including Microsoft and Google. Apple is expected to sell ten million tablets this year.
Next Prize Draw – A Solar Backpack!
Simon Jack, an assistant head teacher in St Ives, Cornwall, is pleased with his iPad, delivered last week after a prize draw for subscribers to eWEEK’s daily newsletter.
The draw follows an earlier one, which presented a reader with a Google Nexus One phone, and other draws are planned for the future.
Current subscribers, as well as any new ones, will now be entered in a draw for a solar charging backpack by Infinit. The backpack, which we reviewed here, includes a 2.4W built-in solar panel, and a battery which can store charge and deliver it to any standard mobile device, or one with a USB connection.
Ideal for any gadget-toting eWEEK Europe reader to pick up before the summer break, we look forward to announcing the winner of the Infinit backpack.
Subscribe to our newsletter for a chance to win an Infinit solar backpack