mobile phone

Global Smartphone Market Grows After Two Year Slump – Counterpoint

Global smartphone market returned to growth in October after a slump of more than two years, new research from Counterpoint…

11 months ago

MPs Warned Not To Take Mobile Phones Into ‘Sensitive Meetings’

Commons speaker warns MPs their phones are a “potential goldmine” for hostile states, after Liz Truss’s phone was reportedly hacked…

2 years ago

Mobile Operators Banned From Selling Locked Phones

Ofcom confirms mobile operators in the UK from December will be banned from selling mobile phones locked to their particular…

4 years ago

UK Drivers To Be Banned From Picking Up Smartphones

New legislation in 2021 will ban drivers from even picking up mobile phones while driving motoro vehicles on British roads

4 years ago

Tales In Tech History: Nokia 3310

Take a very tough mobile phone, add a dash of Snake and a generous helping of battery life, and you…

7 years ago

Tales In Tech History: The Pager

Long before we carried smartphones in our pockets, people kept in touch with a pager clipped to their belts

8 years ago

Nokia Smartphone Leak Prompts New Year Return Rumours

Smartphone shakeup? New sketches suggest new Nokia Android smartphones are set for early 2017 arrival

8 years ago

Nokia Brand Returns With Two Feature Phones

Start-up HMD introduces two Nokia-branded feature phones as it prepares to move into smartphones and tablets

8 years ago

Nokia Returns To Making Mobile Phones

Famous Finnish brand returns, but can it hope to compete against the Samsung and Apple powerhouses?

8 years ago

Tales In Tech History: Classic BT Red Telephone Box Celebrates 80th Birthday

The red K6 telephone box is forever a symbol of Britain and this week it celebrates its 80th birthday

8 years ago

US Tightens Mobile Phone Tracking Rules

End of the free-for-all? Search warrant now required for devices that track mobile phone locations

9 years ago

Consumers Warned Over Hidden Emoticon Data Charges

Consumers warned of potential hidden data charges if they use emoticons in their text messages

10 years ago

Smartphone Use Alters The Human Brain

Smartphones use is altering the human brain, but not in the sinister way scaremongers would have you believe

10 years ago

Lookout App Promises ‘Selfie’ Of Mobile Thieves

Thieves beware, as a new app targets the sticky fingered when they purloin people's precious mobile phones

10 years ago

Prison Service Vows Crackdown On Keyfob Mobile Phones

The illegal use of mobile phones within prisons is back in the news with the arrival of tiny keyfob mobile…

11 years ago

San Francisco Surrenders Over Mobile Phone Radiation Law

The city of San Francisco has reluctantly agreed to revoke a local law demanding radiation warnings on mobile phones

11 years ago

Nokia Launches Budget Phone And New Developer Tools

Nokia has launched the Nokia 109 handset for developing markets, as well as new developer tools

12 years ago

Finn Sets Mobile Phone Throwing Record

Don't bin your old phone. Throw it!

12 years ago

Government Pledges £150m For More Mobile Towers

The Conservatives have pledged money to improve mobile coverage in the UK's so called not-spots

13 years ago

Brits Continue To Overpay For Mobile Phones

Which? Mobile is urging Britons to switch mobile operators in order to achieve significant savings

13 years ago

Smartphones Worse Than 2G Handsets For Rural Calls

Smartphones are slightly worse than 2G handsets for making voice calls in rural areas, research has found

13 years ago

WHO Labels Mobile Phones As ‘Possibly Carcinogenic’

The World Health Organisation has warned that mobile phones could be linked to brain cancer

13 years ago

Royal Wedding Highlights Tech-Savvy Monarchy

There seems to be a big event happening today in London. Tom Jowitt looks at how the Monarchy is embracing…

14 years ago

Police Promise Rapid Identification Of Stolen Phones

Phone thieves beware, as the police now have the ability to quickly identify stolen mobile phones

14 years ago

Millions Of Brits Overpay For Mobile Phones

The British pay too much for mobile phone services according to research from consumer watchdog Which?

14 years ago

Channel Tunnel And Tube Set For Mobile Coverage

Channel Tunnel mobile phone coverage may arrive by 2012, just as the London Tube gets its own mobile network

14 years ago

Mobile Makers Accused Of Hidden Health Warnings

Radiation fears over the use of mobile phones surfaced again last week, after mobile phone makers were accused of burying…

14 years ago

Recycling Firms Agree Stolen Handset Code

Recycling firms have agreed a code of practice in order to close off a loophole that allows criminals to sell…

14 years ago

Study Dismisses Phone Mast Cancer Scare

A new study has found no cancer risk for children born near mobile phone masts, but many are still concerned…

14 years ago

Mobile Phone Radiation Panic Ignores The Evidence

San Francisco has a law requiring phone vendors to declare their radiation levels. Tom Jowitt says there's no evidence this…

14 years ago