
Gatwick Airport’s 2,000 Beacons Power AR Indoor Navigation

Gatwick's beacon-based positioning system directs passengers around the airport via the camera on their mobile device

7 years ago

Cancer Research UK Uses Wi-Fi Beacons To Promote World Cancer Day 2017

The charity adopted Wi-Fi beacon technology from Devicescape Engage

8 years ago

Beacons And Security Risks: Digital Transformation In Education

The education industry is quietly going through a digital transformation of its own, as we recently found out

8 years ago

Bluetooth 5 Boosts Speed, Capacity And Range To Support ‘Connectionless’ IoT

New Bluetooth 5 standard will arrive in devices later this year, helping app developers embrace IoT without need for connection…

8 years ago

Google Brings The Physical Web To Your Phone

Android version of Chrome will now look to link your device to the world

9 years ago

Why Google Eddystone Looms As An Apple iBeacon Killer

BLOG: Google Eddystone provides open-source Bluetooth LE beacon technology that greatly expands on what Apple's iBeacon system can do for…

9 years ago