India government reportedly considers making preinstalled apps removable and mandatory security screening of major operating system updates

India government reportedly considers making preinstalled apps removable and mandatory security screening of major operating system updates
Cracking open the monopoly. Apple is reportedly preparing to allow alternative app stores on its iPhones and iPads in the EU
Electronic Frontier Foundation warns women may face new data security risks if 1973 Roe v Wade decision repealed, including from healthcare apps
Millions of people install apps to manage smart devices, but UK's NCSC warns of risk posed by fraudulent apps containing malware
Uber raises London prices by 10 percent amidst a shortage of 200,000 drivers and a surge in demand since the end of the UK lockdown in July
Sideloading apps from the web, as proposed by Europe's planned regulations, would open ‘Pandora’s box’ warns Federighi
Tech clampdown sees Beijing banning 105 apps, as it seeks to remove pornography, prostitution, gambling and violent content
Hacking groups linked to the Chinese government responsible for attacking at least 10 government agencies, Taiwan alleges
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the use of apps and other trace and track technologies have not delivered on their promise. Strong personal data regulation, coupled with public suspicion about how their data is collected and then used, is driving the debate surrounding Coronavirus and how technology can be used to combat its impact.
That's a lot of money. Apple reveals recording spending at its App store over Christmas period, as part of its 'landmark' year for content and services
Gigamon survey finds biggest threat to enterprise security is not from hackers, but rather social media apps
Firm denies it was competition move, but insists that security and privacy concerns were main reason
Tools including retail banking apps fail to take appropriate precautions to stop their software and systems from being hacked, researchers discover
Pre-installed apps collect a wide range of information and send it to remote servers with little oversight or control, finds independent research
Cost of doing business? 'Illegal' lottery and gambling apps the latest to be purged from Apple's China App Store
The open data improves transportation network efficiency while creating economic opportunities and directly supporting hundreds of jobs
Keen Skype users will need to be using Redmond's latest Windows platforms to get the most out of the service
Test your Android knowledge!
Four new Cognitive Services offerings enable developers to create apps that can identify objects in images, supercharge video search and more
Silicon has a rundown of apps to maker your mobile a Windows 10 productivity suite
NASA's free software catalogue includes applications related to operations, propulsion and aeronautics
Windows 10 Creators Update scheduled for April, with another coming later in the year
Mail and calendar improvements aim to make your life easier and more productive
Hackers could unlock your car or start its ignition via car app flaws discovered by Kaspersky Lab researchers
The security tweaks include the ability to carryout analytics in Gmail using BigQuery
We're all internet users, so we all must know how to spot fake apps and how to keep our own data safe and private. It can be done.
Nick Lazaridis, HP Inc's President for Europe, the Middle East and Africa talks about his career in IT and the biggest challenges he's facing at the moment
CES 2017: Viveport will offer a monthly subscription service, while Vive Tracker presents a way to create peripherals than can be tracked in virtual worlds
The app aims to use gaming to encourage smokers to stick to New Year's resolutions to kick their habit
Apple's latest version of iOS 10 also brings with it a host of word replacing emojis