Amazon drones

Amazon Given FAA Clearance To Expand Drone Deliveries

US aviation regulator grants approval for Amazon to expand its drone delivery service beyond 'visual line of sight'

2 months ago

Amazon Drones Begin Medicine Deliveries In Texas

Customers of the Amazon Pharmacy service can now receive certain prescription medications via drone delivery in Texas

9 months ago

Amazon Loses Two Key Drone Delivery Executives – Report

Two key executives in Amazon's drone delivery operation have reportedly left, in another setback for delivery venture

12 months ago

Amazon Begins ‘Prime Air’ Drone Deliveries In California, Texas

Drones for Amazon Prime Air began making Christmas deliveries for two communities in California and in Texas

2 years ago

Alphabet’s Wing To Begin Drone Delivery Service In US

After months of testing, Alphabet's Wing division will this week begin a commercial drone delivery service in the Dallas-Fort Worth…

2 years ago

Amazon Sacks Staff At Drone Division – Report

Has Amazon's ambitions to build its own inhouse drones crashed and burned? Retail giant lays off staff and turns to…

4 years ago

Amazon Gains FAA Drone Delivery Approval

Critical certificate issued by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), nudges actual Amazon drone deliveries one step closer

4 years ago

Amazon To Start Drone Deliveries ‘Within Months’

Amazon unveils latest version of its Prime Air delivery drone, after it finally gains FAA approval

5 years ago

Amazon Plots ‘Airship Warehouse’ For Drone Deliveries

Patent reveals plan to create ''airborne fulfilment centres' or 'flying warehouses' to act as mothership for drones

8 years ago

A Closer Look At Amazon’s Prime Air Delivery Drone

Amazon unveils more details about "hybrid" delivery drone, but how does it work and how close are we to being…

9 years ago