Google To Release AI Vision Kit For Raspberry Pi Zero W

The kit includes all the elements needed to make artificially intelligent vision gadgets, with AI tasks carried out on an…

7 years ago

Software Engineer Creates Smartphone Based On Raspberry Pi

David Hunt shows how to build a smartphone out of electrical components worth £94, without any soldering

11 years ago

Google Preps Helpouts Video For ‘How-To’ Tuition And Help

Google is to launch a video website that will offer “how to” or “DIY” videos on a wide variety of…

11 years ago

DIY Botnet Kits Spawning Lean, Mean Networks

Hackers are increasingly using DIY crimeware kits to push out malicious botnets but SpyEye dominates

13 years ago

Lego Comes In All Colours But PCs Need To Be Green

Building a computer case from Lego is a sustainable concept but the rest of the computer has to measure up

14 years ago