
Microsoft Sets Ship Date For Windows 7

Rumors abound that Windows 7 will also be ported onto mininotebooks, aka netbooks

15 years ago

XP Mode Could Make Windows 7 A Must-Have

Windows XP mode will be a major selling point for Windows 7- and it's the single feature that will make…

15 years ago

Psion And Intel Settle Over Netbook Name

The fight centered on whether a company could own the right to the term “netbook.”

15 years ago

Netbooks Are Not a Business Solution

Machines that are underpowered and hamper your employees' productivity are not going to catch on anytime soon.

15 years ago

What Windows 7 Means … For Apple

With the annoying stuff from Vista removed and the ability to run a virtual instance of XP within Windows 7,…

15 years ago

Microsoft Allies Rally Against EU

An industry body partly funded by Microsoft has come to its defence

15 years ago

First Ever Intel Core i7 Laptop Launched

The Intel Core i7 processor will power a new laptop being offered by AVADirect. Expected benefits include triple-channel memory and…

15 years ago

US Department Loses 20 Percent Of Computers

The report also finds that many PCs are not encrypted, and the disposal process for computers is not uniform

15 years ago

Bing! – A New Microsoft Search Engine

Despite Google's lead in search-engine market share, Microsoft hopes that a new and improved search experience will translate into a…

15 years ago

Dell Revenue Down 23 Percent

Dell reports that its fiscal 2010 first-quarter revenue declined 8 percent sequentially from the fourth quarter and dropped 23 percent…

15 years ago

NEC EA261WM: A Display With Green Ambitions

Including a carbon meter and a lower power eco-mode  could help raise awareness of power usage in the office

15 years ago

Romania Issues €100 Million To Microsoft Without Bids

Contracts are drafted to exclude any alternatives and hand the money over to Redmond, say local activists

15 years ago

Jail “E-Waste Cowboys” Says IT Charity

US and UK governments must clamp down on the export of waste-tech claims the chief executive of Computer Aid

15 years ago

Microsoft Demos Windows 7 Multi-Touch

The touch demonstration comes a year after Microsoft initially introduced Microsoft's multi-touch capabilities

15 years ago

Critics Attack ‘Hole’ In US E-Waste Bill

Environmentalists say the loophole will allow U.S. companies to continue shipping e-waste to developing countries

15 years ago

Lenovo Launches Recession-busting PCs

Featuring low-voltage processors, the IdeaPad S12 netbook, the IdeaPad U350 and G550 laptops and the C300 all-in-one desktop emphasise design,…

15 years ago

Rumoured Mac Tablet Could Face Off With Kindle

Apple could be rolling out a Mac Tablet in the first half of 2010, according to widely circulated Wall Street…

15 years ago

Free Software To Become A Euro Election Issue

Free software pact gives supporters something better to vote on than disgust over MP's expenses

15 years ago

Red Hat Sues Switzerland Over Microsoft Monopoly

£8 million a year to Microsoft, with no public bidding. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, say open…

15 years ago

Local Government Sets Green Computing Example

Local government is stealing a march on central government in its use of virtualisation to harness cost savings and power…

15 years ago

The Time Is Right For Desktop Linux, Says Report

Open source desktops haven't been a hit so far, but the recession, virtualisation, and the failure of Vista could change…

15 years ago

Microsoft Turns Down EC Antitrust Meeting

Microsoft has declined the European Commission's offer to hold a hearing on antitrust matters concerning its browser bundling

15 years ago

Report: Apple Planning Touchscreen Tablet

The analysts' report dismissed any notion of an Apple netbook

15 years ago

Opera Browser Doesn’t Need The iPhone, Says Von Tetzchner

The iPhone's effect on the mobile Internet is over-rated, says Opera CEO Jon von Tetzchner. What the whole world needs…

15 years ago

Windows 7’s XP Mode Could Boost Linux and The Mac

Window 7's XP Mode will get users used to the idea of desktop virtualisation - and make it easier for…

15 years ago

Can Wi-Fi Rescue The 3G Operators?

Mobile broadband is growing too fast for the operators' networks to keep up, says Selina Lo of Ruckus. She says…

15 years ago

Thin Client Maker Launches £128 Device

Several government departments are backing thin client technology including the Met Office and the Department for Work and Pensions

15 years ago

Acer Introduces iPhone-like Netbook Touchpad

The computer maker has updated its range of netbooks including one model with a full-size keyboard and a multigesture touchpad…

15 years ago

HP Recalls Laptop Batteries

Owners of notebooks with the identified model numbers should contact HP for a replacement battery

15 years ago

Tech-Savvy Staff Challenging IT Departments

Today's workers are more mobile and they are demanding greater choice in their technology, putting more strain on IT departments…

15 years ago