News Artificial Intelligence

The Future of Digital Identity

The Future of Digital Identity

How individuals identify themselves in the digital space must be secure. However, with a rise in identity theft and technologies such as deepfakes, how we secure digital identities is being challenged. In a post-COVID business landscap ...

Accelerating AI: Managing the Machines

Accelerating AI: Managing the Machines

As the Biden administration creates a national AI task force, how will AI develop over the next few years? And how will these developments be managed to ensure safety and ethics are maintained?

Anthony Tattersall, Vice President EMEA, Coursera.

Silicon UK Podcast: The State of Global Digital Skills

The UK lags behind in global and European rankings for data and technology skills, according to Coursera’s latest Global Skills Report (GSR). The UK placed 34th globally in data skills and 47th in technology skills, lagging behind much ...