News Artificial Intelligence

Print Your Own: The State of 3D Printing

Print Your Own: The State of 3D Printing

What’s happening with industrial 3D printing? How are businesses using the technology? And what’s the future look like for this technology that offered so much promise five years ago?

Neo Factory: The State of Industry 4.0

Neo Factory: The State of Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 initiatives are transforming factories in a myriad of industries, from aerospace and health care to plastics and shipping. However, why do so many Industry 4.0 initiatives at today’s factories fail to scale? Silicon UK ask ...

Intelligent Spaces: Using Smart Cities

Latest Feature: Intelligent Spaces: Using Smart Cities

The demands from everyone that lives in a city has radically changed over the last decade. Silicon UK considers how the near-future smart city will operate and how technology will deliver seamless connectivity in an environment that wi ...

The Business of Voice: How Voice Control is Coming to Your Enterprise

How Voice Control is Coming to Your Enterprise

As smart speakers continue to expand in the home, using voice to control a range of devices is now familiar. Could a similar voice environment also become essential in the workplace? With mobile digital devices all having voice control ...