News Artificial Intelligence

Understanding the New European Union AI Law

Understanding the New European Union AI Law

The European Parliament is preparing the world's first comprehensive law on AI. What will this pioneering regulation be like? What 'red lines' does it mark? And what benefits will it bring?

The State of Wearable MedTech

The State of Wearable MedTech

As wearable MedTech continues to evolve rapidly, does there continue to be a business case to develop this technology, and how will organisations like the NHS embrace digital healthcare in the future?

Silicon Insights: The State of MarTech: Part 1

Silicon Insights: The State of MarTech: Part 1

In the latest Silicon Insight interview we are considering the current state of MarTech and how this will evolve into the future with our special guest Michele Reale, Executive Media Director at twogether Creative.

The Smart Factory 2033

The Smart Factory 2033

As additive manufacturing, automation, IIoT and data analytics continue to evolve at pace, what does the factory of the future look like, and how can businesses take advantage of these new technologies?