CA Reveals Cloud 360 For Cloud Migration

ca technologies

With a four-step process, 360 promises cloud migration in less than half the time

CA Technologies launched its new Cloud 360 solution Monday, aimed at guiding CIOs through the process of migrating to the cloud.

Announced at the company’s annual CAWorld event, held in Las Vegas this week, the offering falls in line with the company’s overall vision of providing services that reduce business risk and cost, while accelerating time to market.

Concept to cloud in 3 months

The CA Cloud 360 solution, comprising a combination of consulting services and a group of CA products, takes businesses through a four-step process from assessing which applications and services to move to private, public or hybrid clouds, modelling the desired environment and testing it virtually, to implementing strategy in under three months.

According to the company, the primary components of Cloud 360 include CA Cloud Services and CA Clarity PPM On Demand for the Rationalise phase; CA Oblicore Guarantee On Demand in the Define phase; CA Capacity Management and Reporting Suite, and CA Virtual Placement Manager in the Predict phase, and its CA LISA Suite to develop and test cloud and hybrid applications in simulated production environments in the simulate phase.

“CA Cloud 360 offers enterprise CIOs the visibility, foresight and predictive intelligence needed to build comprehensive, transformative and sustainable cloud strategies that deliver business services at predictable cost, risk and return,” said the company in a statement.

According to Adam Famularo, general manager, enterprise and cloud solutions, CA Technologies, “CA Cloud 360 gives customers the best mix of technology and in-depth experience they need to make informed decisions about the right service delivery models that directly align to their business initiatives. Ultimately, this solution allows our customers to focus on using the cloud for competitive advantage with rapid time to market of agile business services.”

CA CEO William McCracken added in his keynote that cloud computing has changed the way we do business, accelerated by the effects of the global economic recession. CIOs are under tremendous pressure to do more with less, constantly optimising and rationalising their environments to remain competitive, and must be agile in their approach to business service innovation.