Amazon Appstore Now Accepts HTML5 Applications

Developers can now submit their web apps for download on Kindle Fire and Android devices

Developers are now able to submit HTML5-based applications to the Amazon Appstore, enabling them to reach Amazon Kindle Fire tablets and Android devices through the marketplace.

Amazon says app creators will still be able to enjoy the benefits of open standard development while at the same time enjoying the advantages of an app store, such as easier distribution and monetisation options.

Developing applications for HTML5 removes the need to convert web-based content into native applications for numerous devices, making it less challenging to convert software and improve reach.

Amazon Appstore

Kindle_Fire_HDThe online retailer is now inviting developers to submit their URLs and meta data for their web apps or mobile websites, claiming the addition of HTML5 support means it is the “ultimate end-to-end” ecosystem for app creators.

Developers who submit apps to the Amazon Appstore will be able to access from the in-app purchase API for JavaScript, which will enable them to charge users for in-app content such as level upgrades, subscriptions and digital currency.

Additionally, Amazon promises that web apps will enjoy strong performance on the Kindle Fire, which offers native-like experiences thanks to a new faster runtime built on the open source Chromium project

Marketplace benefits

“We’ve heard from developers that making their web apps available for mobile devices is hard because many times it means rewriting their app, which takes extra time and often requires third party tools,” said Mike George, vice president of the Amazon Appstore, Games and Cloud Drive. “By launching support for HTML5 web apps in the Mobile App Distribution Program, we’re giving web developers the tools they need and all the benefits that native apps already enjoy in the Amazon Appstore and on Kindle Fire.

“This opens up new possibilities – starting with faster discovery, access to tools for increased monetization, and the ability to reach new customers for greater exposure.”

Amazon says the introduction of the HTML5 support is just the latest in a number of Amazon Appstore features for developers, including Game Circle, numerous APIs and Amazon log-ins. The marketplace is currently in the process of expanding to 200 countries, including the Vatican City, having launched in the US in 2011 and the UK in 2012.

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Originally published on eWeek.