
Companies Fret Over Targeted Attack Success

Companies are increasingly concerned they will not get better at defending against sophisticated attacks

11 years ago

IBM Closes Trusteer Deal And Creates Cybersecurity Lab

IBM is to open a cybersecurity lab in Israel after closing its acquisition of cybersecurity vendor Trusteer

11 years ago

IBM To Acquire Israeli Fraud Detection Firm Trusteer

Big Blue planning a new security research lab in Tel-Aviv too

11 years ago

Carberp Malware Source Code Sells For $50k On Dark Web

Despite recent arrests, there's plenty of activity around the nasty Carberp Trojan

12 years ago

Universal Man In The Browser Attack Evolves To Take Data From Any Website

Man in the Browser attacks have become even nastier, Trusteer warns

12 years ago

Trusteer Warns Of ‘US DoJ’ Ransomware

Trusteer researchers are warning that some ransomware is now posing as from the US Department Of Justice

13 years ago

Zeus-based Ice IX Trojan Redirects Bank Phone Calls To Attackers

Modified version of Zeus malware targets online banking customers to capture bank and telephone data

13 years ago

Malware Threatens 5 Percent Of Android And iPhones

Trusteer warns that five percent of iPhones and Android phones will be infected with malware in 2012

14 years ago

Zeus Malware Hidden In Fake LinkedIn Messages

The LinkedIn social networking site is being used to find victims to target with malicious phishing emails

14 years ago

Trusteer Launches Cloud-Based Fraud Protection

Trusteer's Pinpoint service is aimed at protecting against banking Trojans such as SpyEye and Zeus

14 years ago

Security Software Maker Warns Of UK Botnet Threat

Security firm Trusteer uncovered a 100,000-strong botnet swiping banking credentials, credit card information and other data from Windows users

15 years ago

If You Can’t Beat Malware, Tunnel Through It

Trusteer's methods of tackling malware have seen it clash with other established security specialists. The company's CEO Mickey Boodaei answers…

15 years ago