Press release

Hitachi ID Receives Cyber Security Awards for ‘Best Privileged Access Management Solution & Most Innovative Identity Administration and Access Governance Product’ from AI International

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Hitachi ID Systems is pleased and honored to announce they were chosen
for two awards from the 2019 CyberSecurity Awards hosted by AI –
Acquisition International.

ID’s Privileged Access Manager
(PAM) product was selected as Best
Privileged Access Management Solution. PAM secures access to elevated
access privileges and eliminates shared and static passwords to these
accounts. It enforces strong authentication and reliable authorization
prior to granting access. User access is logged, creating strong
accountability and audit trails.

Hitachi ID’s PAM secures access, can support over a million password
changes daily and be accessed by thousands of authorized users. It
offers highly reliable, secure access to shared privileged accounts and
security groups, even in the event of a site-wide disaster.

“We are happy to accept these two awards,” says Gideon Shoham, CEO. “It
is gratifying to have our work and products recognized internationally
by such a prestigious publication.”

The award for “Most Innovative Identity Administration and Access
Governance Product” was granted to Hitachi ID’s Identity Manager
solution. Identity Manager manages the lifecycles of identities,
accounts, groups and entitlements — and is an integrated solution for
managing identities, groups and security entitlements across all systems
and applications. It ensures that users are granted access quickly, that
entitlements are based on business need and access is revoked once no
longer needed.

To learn more and read the cover story on Hitachi ID, please visit
the award publication

About Hitachi ID Systems, Inc.

Hitachi ID Systems delivers access governance and identity
administration solutions to organizations globally, including Fortune
5000 companies to secure access to systems in both the enterprise and in
the cloud.

To learn more about Hitachi ID Systems, visit Hitachi
ID’s website
, e-mail,
call 1.403.233.0740 or follow @Hitachi_ID on