News Datacentre

Microsoft’s Innovations That Aren’t

Why does Microsoft call its big EU lobbying-party an Innovation Day? When a big company puts on a show in Brussels to get the ear of government, it seems more like business as usual to us

Keep investing in (our) IT, Microsoft tells EU

IT should be part of any stimulus package, Microsoft will tell a big audience of European public sector opinion-makers today. We asked the European chairman why Microsoft deserves the business

IBM, HP Server Sales Hit By Recession

Quarterly server revenue has shrunk at IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Sun Microsystems, as the global economy slows down, according to IDC. The one positive area is blade servers

Cloud services ‘pose legal risks’

Outages are only part of the problem for services on the web, says a City Law firm, warning cloud customers may face lawsuits over performance and data protection

Gmail Failure: Reality Bites for Cloud Computing

Update: Gmail is back, after a two-hour outage. The company has not yet said how many people were affected, but twitter traffic from round the world reveals a major outage. That's a pain for millions of ordinary users - but it could be ...

UK’s VeryPC Launches 12TB Storage Server

UK-based low-energy system maker VeryPC has announced new models, including a storage processor with up to 12TB of storage and dual Intel Xeon processors with up to 48GB or RAM.

Experts Say Dump The NAC Word

Network access control is a useless marketing buzzword; users and vendors should just get on with security management, experts have said.

Mini-Notebooks Power 2008 PC Growth

Figures just released for PC shipments in Q4 2008 reveal the big inroads made by mini-notebooks into the Western European portable market, which drove sales for various leading manufacturers.

What Will It Take To Make IT Go Green?

Whether they act to stave off a global crisis, or a meltdown in their own budgets, IT professionals need to have better information if they are going to clean up their act.

Can Sustainable IT Avoid False Accounting?

Now the word is out: there is money to be made in sustainable IT, we can expect the usual feeding frenzy as vendors try to cash in. This time, we can't afford to fall for phony greenwash.

Intel Delays ‘Tukwila’ Chip Again

Intel has delayed the four-core "Tukwila" `version of its Itanium processor, originally billed as the first 2 billion transistor chip and scheduled for 2007.