Samsung Unveils Its View Of The Office Of Tomorrow

samsung future office

The smart, hyper-connected workplace of 2025 will differ quite a bit from today, Samsung Futures report claims

If you’ve ever felt that your office might be lagging behind when it comes to technology, then never fear – it could soon all be about to change.

That’s according to a new report from Samsung, which has gazed into its crystal ball to plan out what the office of 2025 will look like.

And unsurprisingly, things look pretty rosy – with ‘smart environment’ design coupling with more intelligent and interactive ways to work, using technology such as big data and intuitive systems combining to improve productivity and efficiency.

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samsung future officeRemote working has been one of the most successful working trends over the last few years, and Samsung sees this continuing in the future with offices themselves becoming more flexible places to work.

The report predicts a restructuring of the traditional office into “creative villages” – smart environments that make staff more productive, healthier and happier.

The technology we use to work will also get understandably smarter, with interactive surfaces such as Microsoft’s 55in Surface Hub display giving user more immersive ways to work using touch or voice control.

While computer screens will still form a key part of the office of the future, the report says that they will often be invisible until the moment we need to use them, with walls, windows, or any flat surface able to be turned into a screen.


samsung future officeThe report also highlights the positives that big data will bring to the workplace, helping employees and bosses work better together as well as providing richer data related to their work.

By 2025, smart systems will harness Big Data to match up team members with complementary skills to create the most effective, collaborative working groups, Samsung predicts.

And with smart tech taking on admin duties too, the future workforce will also be granted the flexibility and time to focus on the responsibilities core to their role, maximising company productivity.

“This Samsung Smarter Futures report provides clear scenarios whereby smart technology in the future will improve daily working lives,” said Andy Griffiths, President of Samsung UK & Ireland. “It shows exciting possibilities for how technology can maximise creativity, productivity and staff happiness.”

“Whilst this report looks at the future, adopting smart technology has huge economic potential for the UK economy and individual businesses today. The only thing standing in the way of adoption of this technology is business leaders that are yet to realise the potential benefits it can bring. Smart technology is the future; it’s happening now and those who fail to make the most of this may well not survive into the next decade.”

The report, from its Samsung Futures arm, was developed in conjunction with MIT, Google and IBM, bringing together thinkers from each company to create a full picture of how technology can benefit workers in the future.

It follows research from PwC earlier this year which found 77 percent of office workers believe that smart technology will make them more efficient and productive, and 46 percent believe their company should invest in smart technology.

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