Sinequa: an insight engines leader driving digital transformation

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For the fifth time, Sinequa, an Intelligent Enterprise Search provider, was recognized as a Leader in Gartner’s 2021 Magic Quadrant for Insight Engines. An unprecedented success that the company, which has been operating in this sector for decades, explains by its vast experience and unique in-depth expertise of complex and heterogeneous environments.

A key player in insight engines

Named as a Leader by Gartner in the Magic Quadrant for Insight Engines for the fifth time, Sinequa is repeating the feat this year. The independent software vendor has once again been ranked one of the four leading companies this year out of the 15 suppliers assessed in total by the IT analyst firm. Gartner defines insight engines as systems that apply relevancy methods to discover, describe, organize and analyse content and data. For Gartner, Magic Quadrant leaders demonstrate a solid understanding of this market, as well as marketing strategies that differentiate and communicate unique value to reach buyers through a wide range of use cases. They offer products that demonstrate strength across the broadest range of critical capabilities, they have strong overall viability, sales execution and operations. Finally, these leaders have no better ambassadors than their customers, who praise their experiences of the products or services provided.

Unstructured data: a challenge for the entreprise world

These customers, very often, are faced with a complex business problem: the mass of information at their disposal. Most IT and KM leaders recognize that there is much more work to do in the field of intelligence search, with three out of four respondents  to a recent survey by APQC and Sinequa rating improving users’ ability to find information as an ‘essential’ or ‘high priority’. Sinequa provides large enterprises and government agencies with a multi-use cases, intelligent search platform that enables them to meet this challenge. Their employees and clients can use it to quickly and easily find and analyse information in the context of rapidly changing workplaces. “Gartner expected a digital workplace in 2024. There has been a meteoric acceleration of this vision with the COVID-19 pandemic. More than ever, the world requires a fully functioning digital workforce with access to data under any circumstance. We are not disrupting the organisation of the enterprise but we are offering a powerful search engine that allows employees to have all the information they need at their fingertips,” explains Luc Manigot, Vice-President of the Sinequa Centre of Excellence.

Cutting-edge technology

Sinequa’s solution offers a unique combination: a powerful enterprise search engine with advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms (Machine Learning and Deep Learning), which, using common words, allow users to easily extract business information from structured data, but also, and mostly, unstructured data. This data is surfaced across the multiple usual data silos that reside in large organizations.  “Many professionals, especially when working from home, struggle to find important documents stowed away on disconnected systems like personal hard drives, on-premise servers, and dusty corners of the company intranet. Meanwhile, the volume of emails and messages they receive makes the enterprise information landscape even more complex and harder to navigate, especially in big organisations” adds the latter. Due to its expertise dealing with large-scale, complex projects, Sinequa is aimed at very large accounts, in high-stake strategic sectors: Fortune 2000 companies, large administrations, pharmaceutical giants (some of the world’s largest vaccine makers, Pfizer and Astrazeneca, are clients), leading manufacturers (like Total or KLA) and big banks (among them US Bank and Société Générale) etc. Another advantage, in addition to the simplicity of the interface, is that the platform developed by Sinequa is modular: users can create their own search-based application according to their market to serve various innovative use cases such as customers’ views in retail banking, product views in manufacturing etc. “We benefit from a strong maturity due to our longevity and independence – we have not been acquired or merged in 20 years. The product is therefore incredibly robust, and has been consistent over time, which means it will succeed in highly complex situations,” concludes Luc Manigot.