Quiz Of The Week: Webcam Wonders!

How well do you know your webcam? Take our screen test today!

Of all the gadgets added to the humble laptop, the webcam is the closest to a science-fiction dream.

Once only Star Trek personnel could do this, and now you can talk to your granny or your boss, face-to-face, on any portable computer. How did that happen so fast?

Webcam, thank you ma’am!

webcam © jcjgphotography Shutterstock

Webcams are seriously used as a way to hold business meetings and save on corporate travel. they have also been used in more questionable ways, allowing people to make new friends and share inventive (or not so inventive) pastimes. Webcams have figured in privacy-intrusion lawsuits as well.

Our quiz checks out what you know about the origins and development of the useful gizmos which are now embedded wherever you need them.

Have a go, see what you know – and feel free to webcam a friend if you get stuck.

There are no prizes, just a sense of achievement, and the opportunity to share your success with your friends.

Try the quiz! 

And if you like it, try some of our other quizzes…