Fibre to the premise deployment reaches 11.5 homes, as Openreach announces another 19 locations that includes 200,000 homes and businesses

Fibre to the premise deployment reaches 11.5 homes, as Openreach announces another 19 locations that includes 200,000 homes and businesses
Use of Subtended Headends helps Openreach extend its fibre to the premise (FTTP) rollout in more difficult and remote locations
Altice/SFR gets the go-ahead to buy wholesale rival Covage, but will spin off its fibre-to-the-office operations into an independent unit
Reaction to chancellor's proposed digital tax, extra funding for industrial strategy, full fibre connectivity, and cyber defence
Britain's superfast broadband should take fibre to the home, says FTTH Europe Council's Nadia Babaali. But how would she pay for it?
The “edging strip” could make fibre-to-the-home installation simpler by removing needed to dig trenches in customers' gardens
The UK has still not entered the worldwide rankings for fibre-optic broadband deployments, while Asia and the US surge ahead
Government support could give BT a monopoly, warns TalkTalk boss
Fibrecity could offer all Dundee residents fibre broadband, using the sewer system