Elon Musk's lawsuit counterclaims are “factually inaccurate, legally insufficient, and commercially irrelevant”, says Twitter

Elon Musk's lawsuit counterclaims are “factually inaccurate, legally insufficient, and commercially irrelevant”, says Twitter
Former President Donald Trump really wants to get his Twitter account back, and asks US judge to force Twitter to restore it
Bad news for Microsoft after US court grants Amazon request for halt on all work concerning the Pentagon's JEDI cloud contract
Alphabet unit begin fightback against European antitrust regulators in three day hearing at EU General Court in Luxembourg
Developer of BlueMail publishes open letter calling on fellow app developers to join fight against Apple for allegedly “stealing ideas”
Amazon has (as expected) filed a motion with US court to halt Microsoft's work on Pentagon JECI contract until appeal ruling
Tesla boss in court apologises directly to Vernon Unsworth, but also admits to hiring private detective to investigate British diver
Showdown between US states and federal government averted until court rules on Trump's net neutrality “roll-back”
Group of attorney generals ask court to halt FCC's efforts to stop US states imposing their own open Internet rules
Liberty wants to put the core parts of the Investigatory Powers Act to the legal test