UK government warned by Apple it will not comply with proposed updates to Investigatory Powers Act, and could withdraw FaceTime, iMessage

UK government warned by Apple it will not comply with proposed updates to Investigatory Powers Act, and could withdraw FaceTime, iMessage
Russia alleges the US NSA has conducted a mass spying operation on thousands of iPhones in Russia, and that Apple aided it
Public funds to used for government-backed advertising campaign against end-to-end encryption, but security experts argue against the move
More than 90 privacy groups urge Apple to abandon plans to scan children's messages, and the iPhone's of adults for CSAM images
Apple promises to reject any government demands to use, or alter, its controversial detection system of child abuse images
Slippery slope? Apple accused of creating encryption backdoor as it becomes first tech firm to scan for child abuses images on-device
Give law enforcement access to encryption or we will regulate the technology, US Senators threaten tech firms Facebook and Apple
The United States, UK, and Australia sign open letter to Facebook saying encryption helps child abuse, as they demand an encryption 'backdoor'
Update - Nokia says that the comments of its CTO does not reflect its official view on the matter.
German government urged to follow Australia lead and ban the use of Chinese kit in 5G networks
Officials want Facebook's help to crack encryption, so they can listen to suspect's voice conversations
Kaspersky's security software had stumbled across NSA code in 2014, but the PC in question was also infected with a backdoor
Diplomats at risk from a new malware dropper disguised as a document associated with a G20 meeting invite
Australian government to introduce law to force tech firms to provide access to encrypted messages
WhatsApp becomes the latest centre of attention as encryption vs privacy debate once again rears its head
Decision by Oracle co-CEO Safra Catz to join Trump transition team leads to executive resignation
Amid concern of spy backdoors in its software, Microsoft opens code inspection centre in Brazil
Rootkit is the latest malicious code to use a Pokemon theme
Keeping it open source baby. Tor Social Contract promises no backdoors and complete honesty with its users
Malware targets OS X and gives attackers webcam access via Tor and full access of compromised Mac
Cisco security researchers say they have found that Tuto4PC software includes a secret Trojan virus
US senators close to finalising draft bill that will penalise tech firms who refuse court orders over encrypted data
The iPad maker asks court to reserve its order to help the FBI hack into the iPhone of a terrorist murderer
Apple criticised for refusal to unlock terrorist phone, but its stance also receives widespread support from rivals
US congressional probe to investigate who placed the backdoor code into Juniper's firewall software
Do we believe them? GCHQ denies software it developed to encrypt VoIP calls has a backdoor
For sure, we will not weaken encryption by insisting tech firms share encrypted communications, says Holland
"Now how did that get there?" Juniper finds sneaky code in firewall kit and rushes out patch
Manhattan District Attorney on collision course with tech giants after call for weaker encryption
Open letter to President Obama highlights tech opposition to efforts to weaken encryption systems