Quiz Of The Week: Facebook


Facebook is the world’s biggest social network and one of the most influential firms in Silicon Valley, but what do you know about it?

Facebook is not only the world’s biggest social network but one of the most important technology companies in the world.

With more than one billion users, Facebook has transformed from a dorm room project to an all-encompassing Internet behemoth. The story of its origins has even been turned into a Hollywood movie.

david marcus facebook messengerAs its F8 developer conference this week demonstrated, Facebook has expanded beyond its social roots into other areas of technology, hoping to keep your interest for as long as possible – and keep its advertisers happy.

It has made billion pound acquisitions, angered teens with layout changes and attracted controversy but how well do you really know the network that has profoundly changed the way we use the Internet?

Find out with our quiz!

…and if you like it, try out some of our others

(There’s not a Candy Crush Saga invite in sight)