Quiz Of The Week: Data Breaches Of 2015

data breach, security

How much do you know about this year’s big data breaches? Take our quiz to find out…

It seems that barely a week has gone by in the last few months without news of a hack, leak, or data breach from a large company that has put the safety of its users in danger.shutterstock_161234321

With more and more of us signing up to online services, where our addresses, credit card details and other sensitive information is uploaded without a second thought, these data breaches are becoming more problematic as the hackers’ prizes grow more juicy.

Whether its the Ashley Madison data breach, clerical blunders from the NHS, or a data breach of sensitive security information, companies don’t seem to be learning from the mistakes of others.

Take our quick quiz on some data breaches that happened in 2015 and see how much you know about what’s been happening in the news.

Take the quiz here!


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