Press release

Luos Announces Integration with Freedom Robotics Enabling Device Monitoring and Control over the Internet from Anywhere

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Luos, maintainer of an open source project for edge, IoT (Internet of Things) and embedded distributed systems, today announced an integration with Freedom Robotics that enables devices to be monitored and controlled remotely over the internet, simply by adding one line of code.

“This integration brings a new level of simplicity and power to any cyber-physical system (CPS) with the ability to see and control microcontroller units (MCU) using the Freedom Robotics dashboard,” said Nicolas Rabault, co-founder and CEO, Luos. “All it takes is adding one line of code to Luos, making the device visible and able to be monitored and controlled from anywhere using the internet – down to the level of a specific MCU.”

Luos partnered with Freedom Robotics, provider of software infrastructure for modern robotics companies, to create a bridge that can display embedded data in real-time, without needing to be physically connected to the device.

“Developers can use any feature of the Luos software and use that on the Freedom Robotics platform to take advantage of adding all of its functionality,” said Rabault. “For example, monitoring and controlling various features of a robot – arms, sensors, lights, and more – that are built with Luos software. This is particularly helpful when, for example, wanting to see the status of a specific sensor in real-time remotely from anywhere. The capability also makes it possible to aggregate data to help with troubleshooting and root-cause analysis which, in turn, helps ensure uptime.”

Learn more details here about the integration, how it works and how to get started. Try Luos by going to the Get Started tutorial and join the Luos community of embedded and edge developers from around the world who are sharing their knowledge and ideas.

The Luos team is developing an open-source solution using microservices concepts for embedded and edge systems. This makes it easy to share and reuse code in project implementations that include embedded and edge systems.

The Luos microservices architecture provides flexibility for unlimited project possibilities – running as a single service on a single node (physical component “hardware” running Luos) or several services on several nodes. For example, an intelligent agriculture system that can automatically irrigate a plot of land; a facial recognition robot that can identify the emotions in a face; or a smart parking system that can identify and monitor available spaces.

About Luos

Founded in 2018 in Bordeaux, France, Luos provides a simple and lightweight containerization platform that enables a microservices architecture for edge and embedded systems. Its powerful modular design can be used to simplify and link any hardware component and application code together as a single system image making management and updates easier. To learn more about Luos visit