Press release

dataPlor Expands to 40 Countries and 50 Million Points of Interest

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dataPlor, the company providing the most accurate location intelligence abroad, has vastly expanded its geospatial data coverage to 40 countries and 50 million points of interest. That represents a hike from just one country in Q4 2020 and 15 countries in Q2 2021. dataPlor plans to expand its reach to 100+ countries by the end of 2022.

dataPlor’s customers are driving its global expansion. The company counts the world’s largest enterprises, including Uber Eats, Google, and American Express, among its customers. dataPlor helps its customers understand overseas markets for which location data is otherwise unavailable or inaccurate.

“dataPlor has been able to carve out a space for itself in the geospatial data industry by tackling the tough problem of mapping developing markets,” said dataPlor CEO and co-founder Geoff Michener. “We go several steps deeper than the industry norm, relying on a combination of technology and local human expertise to power the most precise global location data.”

It is an open secret that much location data is inaccurate. The problem is especially acute abroad, where as much as 70 to 90% of location data contains errors, according to an analysis of millions of third-party POIs by dataPlor. This imprecision undercuts growth opportunities and muddies execution abroad for just about any business with global ambitions tied to a need for real-world understanding.

Inaccurate location data hamstrings businesses across industries. For example, CPG brands cannot expand globally if they do not know where to place their products and where their customers are. Technology companies cannot create accurate search, mapping, or advertising solutions. Logistics companies cannot get people and goods where they need to go. Similar problems plague retailers, restaurant chains, financial institutions, and fintech companies.

Businesses in all these verticals turn to dataPlor because the company has bet its business on accuracy. dataPlor uses AI call bots, which call businesses in dozens of local languages, and a proprietary machine learning observation system to collect data at scale. Image recognition and ML verify and deduplicate that data. Lastly, locals and in-house data experts provide last-mile verification, powering international location data that one top 5 CPG company called 90% more accurate than that of rivals.

dataPlor’s next challenge is to take its rigorous POI data collection process to other forms of geospatial data in more than 100 countries. Businesses cannot grow globally without understanding what’s happening on the ground abroad. This year, dataPlor will expand its geographic coverage and product suite to grow globally alongside its customers.

About dataPlor

dataPlor is a geospatial data company that helps global enterprises grow abroad by mapping tough-to-reach markets. The majority of international location data is inaccurate. dataPlor goes several steps deeper than the industry standard to help the world’s largest companies in CPG, mobility, and technology, among other industries, understand where people and things are and fuel expansion abroad.