News Workspace

Netbooks and Google Android Defy Downturn

Google's Android mobile operating system is likely to see increased adoption as hardware buyers tightening their purse strings consider netbooks and other types of mininotebooks in lieu of full-size laptops

Windows 7 May Have XP Downgrade Option

Reports claim users will still have the option of downgrading to Windows XP from Windows 7 after the latter is released, even though mainstream support for XP will have ended

Windows On 96 Percent of Netbooks? No Way!

A Microsoft exec has announced the death of the Linux netbook. He's ignoring the world picture, and speaking too soon: Linux is still alive on the tiny laptops at least for now, says Joe Wilcox

Will Mac Sales Go Up?

In March, Gartner released a heart-stopping new PC forecast warning of record declines this year, but what about Apple?