
Netbooks Are A Security Risk

Low-cost laptops are vulnerable because many of them come without standard security software, according to experts

15 years ago

Security Pros Advise on Surviving the Adobe Flaw

With hackers circling round a flaw in Adobe Acrobat, security professionals have advice on how to survive till Adobe gets…

15 years ago

How Do We Stop Fast Flux Networks?

Botnets change quickly to avoid being taken down. Larry Seltzer assesses a move to combat them - and says more…

15 years ago

Beware Of Software Bearing Gifts

If your applications aren't behaving the way you expect, the problem may not be where you think. Peter Judge found…

15 years ago

Sacked Staff Steal Company Data

Sixty percent of people who lose their jobs take company data with them when they go, according to a study…

15 years ago

Adobe Flaw Won’t be Fixed For Two Weeks

Adobe has promised to fix a zero-day vulnerability which allows lets hackers seize control of users' computers - but the…

15 years ago

Experts Say Dump The NAC Word

Network access control is a useless marketing buzzword; users and vendors should just get on with security management, experts have…

15 years ago

RFID Puts Us All at Risk

I've never really thought of myself as much of a seer, prognosticator or predictor of the future, but based on…

15 years ago

Microsoft Changes Windows 7 UAC

Microsoft has agreed that Windows 7 will generate a prompt if there is an attempt to change the user account…

15 years ago

Where Does Malware Come From?

Anti-virus vendors are getting more than 50,000 submissions of new malware per day now. How can the malware business be…

15 years ago

Google Privacy Exec Facing Criminal Charges

Italian officials charge Google Global Privacy Counsel Peter Fleischer with criminal charges of defamation and failure to exercise control over…

15 years ago

New ‘Hacktivism’ Highlights Growing Problem

We all saw what the concentrated efforts of a group of politically minded hackers could accomplish in 2007 when Russian…

15 years ago

Google Search Engine Sends False Security Warnings

A human error caused Google users to received bogus security warning messages for many of the searches the performed for…

15 years ago

From IE 8 to Google Chrome, Keep an Eye on Clickjacking

First Microsoft touts clickjacking protections in Internet Explorer 8, then a security researcher releases a proof of concept for a…

15 years ago

Retailer Wireless Devices Largely Unprotected

A new survey shows 44 percent of the wireless devices used by retailers are vulnerable to attacks by data thieves.…

15 years ago

Websense Buys Spam Protection for Social Web Sites

Websense has acquired Defensio, a spam filtering service designed to protect blogs, social networks and other Web 2.0 sites. According…

15 years ago

More Malware Targeting Users of Pirated Software for Mac

A new variant of a Trojan is targeting users of pirated Adobe Photoshop CS4 software. The Trojan is related to…

15 years ago

Microsoft Goes After Clickjacking in IE8

Microsoft has introduced a release client version of its latest browser, Internet Explorer 8 (IE8), and the new iteration of…

15 years ago

Cleaning Conficker: Keeping Your Network Safe from Windows Worm

Much has been written about the Conficker worm, also called "Downadup," in recent days. eWEEK has pulled together some general…

15 years ago

Conficker USB Worm Spreading Quickly

Security researchers are reporting that the Conficker worm virus, which preys on a recently reported vulnerability (MS08-067) in the Microsoft…

15 years ago

Apple Plugs Security Holes in QuickTime

Apple updates QuickTime, fixing a number of remote code execution flaws. One security researcher expects malware writers to launch exploits…

15 years ago

Firefox Plug-in Lets Users Import Google Notebook to Zoho

Messaging and collaboration SAAS company Zoho updates its Firefox plug-in for Zoho Notebook to make it easy to import a…

15 years ago

Whois Abuse Still Out of Control

It's still easy to try to steal an identity with false whois information. There are rules against it and ICANN…

15 years ago

Millions Hit with Windows Worm as Infection Spreads

A new variant of a worm that exploits a vulnerability patched by Microsoft in October has infected millions of users,…

15 years ago

ContentWatch Security Appliance Offers Filtering, Anti-malware

ContentWatch's CP 300 security appliance offers very good content filtering, traffic shaping and anti-malware capabilities, as well as excellent reporting.…

15 years ago

Testing Microsoft’s Windows Application Whitelisting Tool

The SRP feature in Microsoft Windows doesn't offer the same granularity of control or change management capabilities as whitelisting options…

15 years ago

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: How to Prepare Your Business

Companies frequently don't like to think about business continuity, disaster recovery, the expense of hot sites or even off-site storage.…

15 years ago

How to Protect Data During a Virtual Migration

Server virtualization has become a popular trend in enterprise IT. When migrating from a physical to a virtual environment, IT…

15 years ago

Database Vendors Should Push Data Masking for Enterprise Security

Database and application vendors may want to take a look at expanding their data masking capabilities as its relevance grows.…

15 years ago

SSL Crack Shows You Must Advance Your Security

The successful creation of a rogue certificate authority by security researchers using a colliding certificates attack demonstrates that if you're…

15 years ago