News Green-IT

Storage Economics: When Data Meets Dough

If you think storage is cheap, you aren't doing your sums right. The big picture, with power, carbon, and legal costs, adds up to a new discipline, says Hitachi Data Systems' David Merrill - a storage economist

Sustainable IT Holds Opportunities For The UK

Computing can affect the future of this planet, says the Cambridge professor of computing, Andy Hopper. And there are opportunities for the UK here - if we can handle our fear of change 

Can Wi-Fi Rescue The 3G Operators?

Mobile broadband is growing too fast for the operators' networks to keep up, says Selina Lo of Ruckus. She says they should turn to Wi-Fi for assistance

Cisco Develops Smart Grid For Green Power

Cisco Systems is unveiling its Smart Grid initiative, a move to offering an end-to-end communications platform based on IP protocols to a power industry under pressure to create more electricity and to do so more efficiently

Why The Mainframe Will Never Die

Users need support in ever more demanding workloads, greening strategies and cloud computing models, which guarantees the mainframe's continuing relevance, says Anne Altman

IT Is Key To Climate Change Control

BT and Marks & Spencer and other users are looking to IT for solutions, according to a conference on the commercial risks of climate change

Dell Tightens E-waste Policies

But green IT experts claim computer makers are still ducking their responsibilities in Africa and other developing countries

Google: Search Produces 0.2 Grams Of C02

Google CEO Eric Schmidt has placed his company at the forefront of the energy debate, arguing that green IT can contribute to lowering overall carbon footprints

Fujitsu Unlocks The Cosmic Cube

What does the name of Fujitsu's new blade-based data centre system, the Dynamic Cube, actually mean? Forget the speeds and feeds - Peter Judge wants occult significance