News Financial Markets

New Economy, New Confusion?

There's a big buzz around the "new economy" of sustainable development. But is anyone actually sure that that means, asks Peter Judge:  Growth,  or no growth?

Facebook Finds A Friend In Russian VC

Digital Sky Technologies is investing in privately held Facebook in exchange for preferred stock, which becomes a 1.96 percent equity stake for a $10 billion valuation

Fault Tolerance (Re)Discovered

Fault tolerant virtualisation technologies can be hardware or software based but they don't necessarily offer the same level of protection for business-critical processes.

Why The Mainframe Will Never Die

Users need support in ever more demanding workloads, greening strategies and cloud computing models, which guarantees the mainframe's continuing relevance, says Anne Altman

IT Is Key To Climate Change Control

BT and Marks & Spencer and other users are looking to IT for solutions, according to a conference on the commercial risks of climate change

Green IT Is Mainstream: Now Comes The Hard Part

The move to greener IT is unstoppable - even in a recession. But IT departments have a tough job getting their message with the other 90 percent of the company, says Forrester's Chris Mines.