TechWeek Readers Believe IoT Will Make Impact By 2020

Research from our latest Tech Club evening shows TechWeek readers feel IoT will be a force by the end of the decade, with some saying it already is

TechWeek Europe readers believe the Internet of Things (IoT) will have a major impact on both consumers and businesses within the next decade, but fear the advent of Machine to Machine (M2M) communications will erode privacy and present a new range of security threats.

That’s according to the results of a survey conducted at our most recent Tech Club networking event in London on 6 November, led by our new editor Duncan MacRae with contributions from Carl Shaw of security firm MathEmbedded.

Topics discussed at the event, entitled ‘That Internet of Things Thing’ included the various competing standards and potential uses for IoT applications, which Gartner predicts will have connected 4.9 billion ‘things’ by 2015 and 25 billion by 2020.

Tech Club IoT

TechClub November 2014 (4)Indeed, nearly half of all respondents believe the IoT will have changed our lives by 2020, with 20.3 percent holding out until 2025, but 28 percent say it has already had an impact or will have done by next year.

Readers believe wearable technology and the retail sector will be the first to take advantage of M2M, with greater personal control and the provision of new mobile services seen as the most important benefits of the development.

However, a quarter of respondents believe technology firms will be the ultimate benefieciaries, with service providers and consumers also set for a windfall. Interestingly, just 2.7 percent say governments stand to make gains.

Like any other new trend though, TechWeek Europe readers have concerns. Security was cited by 46 percent as a major issue with another quarter fearing for privacy, and intrusive apps also touted as a potential downfall. However just four percent were worried about the added cost such connectivity will add to objects, suggesting enthusiasm for M2M.

You can view the in-depth results of our survey in the gallery below and hope they provoke as much in-depth discussion about the IoT as was had at the Tech Club event itself. One lucky attendee even left with a free Sonos wireless speaker after winning our prize draw!

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TechClub November 2014

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Read also : Made in the UK