Webinar | Tape Failure: A Simple Solution to a BIG Problem

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For about as long as there have been computer networks, administrators have attempted to keep these networks up and running. A continuous battle between faulty hardware, poorly written software, unreliable connectivity and random acts of nature. With the emergence of cloud computing we are now for the first time realizing computing environment where we are able to focus less on keeping our applications up and more on making them run more efficiently and effectively.

The problem with traditional tape backup solutions is the hardware downtime might be small, but the time to restore from a tape backup might be considerably longer. A minor failure could cause a cascading series of software failures causing further application outage of hours or even days for those who depended on the availability of the given solution. The problem with most disaster recovery plans is the recovery is reactive, it is what happens after a disaster has already harmed your business. Cloud significantly changes the equation changing the problem from a reactionary to a preventative one.

To be competitive in today’s always connected, always available world,you must reinvent the fundamental way you look at of disaster recovery. A major benefits to using cloud computing is that you can make these types of failover assumptions well before they happen using an emerging global toolset of cloud components. It’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when, when you take into consideration that application components will fail then you can build an application that greatly reduces your costs and more importantly avoids the pit falls of traditional DR.

Just to learn more about the this exciting new world of cloud based backup.