Telecoms Regulation Forum

The world’s leading meeting place for regulatory professionals in fixed and mobile markets. IIR Telecoms will explore the latest developments in Telecommunication Regulations in Europe by bringing together Senior Representatives from the European Institutions, National Telecommunications Regulatory Authorities and Major Telecom operators as well as Consultants.
The principal themes that will be tackled at the event include:
– The final stages of implementation of the new EU regulatory framework (the deadline for the passing of new laws is May 2011, two months after the Conference although the Commission may grant a deadline
– The controversial Commission recommendation on next generation access
– The issue of net-neutrality and the Commission consultation process (started in Summer 2010, recommendation expected by Summer 2011)
– Spectrum redeployment
– Business models for NGN redeployment
– The increasingly important contribution from the Council of Europe in the field of media/communication regulation