Number 1 in the MEASA region
138,000+ ICT Professionals from 144 countries
3,500+ ICT companies form 77 countries
Over 80% of the top ICT brands worldwide participate
18,000+ C-level executives from key industry verticals
Launched in 1981, GITEX is the ICT business gateway to the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia Region.

Focused on providing exhibitors with high ROI through direct business opportunities with decision makers, GITEX has maintained its position as the industry’s trend setting authority.

ITU TELECOM WORLD 2012, the leading platform for high-level networking, strategic debate and knowledge-sharing for the global ICT community will take place for the first time in Dubai alongside GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK. ITU TELECOM WORLD 2012 is organised by ITU, the United Nations specialised agency for ICTs.

GITEX continually identifies the hottest global IT trends and incubates these into the event either as new sectors or conference programmes. The sectorisation of GITEX has enabled new companies to participate in identified trends as well as giving visitors the opportunity to engage, learn and implement the advances in the industry.

GITEX’s growth is synonymous with the evolution of Dubai as a global destination.

Dubai’s advanced infrastructure makes it an ideal gateway between the East and the West. The city boasts:
A 47-mile-long, fully automated Dubai Metro
World-class, award-winning airports
Advanced logistics facilities and seaports
State-of-the-art convention centres

GITEX’s role in the ICT industry is pivotal for the re-export market. It is an annual international trading hub for the global technology sector. GITEX acts as both, an inbound sourcing platform for the entire Middle East region and the eminent source for anyone interested in doing business in the region.