E-Identity Management Conference

The European e-Identity Conference is Europe’s leading forum, hosted by eema, for this critical security application – tackling the key issues surrounding e-identity as a core enabler of today’s personal, business and government processes. Integrated with the main conference will be a showcase of Europe’s leading identity management and security vendors, on hand to demonstrate the industry’s latest technological advances. The event will comprise thought-provoking keynotes, panel discussions, roundtable sessions and focused workshops on the key challenges and strategies for effectively managing Government, employee, citizen and private identities. This high-value conference is an essential date for those in business, public sector and government who are involved in the policy, security, systems and processes surrounding identity management. The European e-Identity Conference regularly attracts over 150 senior delegates from the commercial and public sectors throughout Europe and beyond. Key subject areas include: Managing Identity Securing Identity Federated Identity e-ID Cards Service Oriented Architecture SOA Mobile e-ID For two decades eema has led the industry by assisting its member’s to gain a competitive advantage by investing in applied identity and security systems and services as well as investigating & leading current industry issues. This is the only community event that enables delegates to examine these issues in depth whilst networking with peers, making this annual event an invaluable and unique occasion.