Thursday 17 September 2015
Congress Plaza Hotel, Chicago, USA

Today Business Intelligence plays an essential role in understanding the target market and the positioning of the products, services and the competition in this market place. Thanks to the latest advances in technology, companies have access to an increasing quantity of data, most of which are unstructured. Moreover, new streams of information such as microblogs and twitter offer unique opportunities to understand current and prospective customers’ behaviour. Leveraging and making sense of this new business world is essential to keep up with competitors and managers need to be aware of the potential encompassed by new and multiple streams of information.

Data Analytics, particularly in the context of Big Data, has become the ‘Mantra’ for the new genre of Data Scientists. It helps organisations to gain insights into their data, and helps them mine for Business Intelligence. Similarly Sentiment Mining represents another valuable source of business intelligence and provides the capacity to identify and extract subjective information in source materials.

This conference jointly and severally presents Data Analytics and Sentiment Mining. We explore how data analytics impacts businesses, also considering its connections with predictive analytics and the new area of real-time analytics. We then focus on the foundations of sentiment mining and some of its applications. The conference features presentations by subject experts as well as case studies; there are also interactive panels for attendees to engage with the presenters and bring their issues to the panellists.

High quality speakers’ presentations and panel discussions make this the perfect opportunity for both new-comers and experts. The conference is characterised by a compact format: a single track, one-day event covering two important information sources for business intelligence. As a consequence, the event not only provides attendees with the opportunity to learn more with less time out of the office, but it also offers a more varied networking experience.