BCS Information Security SG (ISSG) - Practical Network Forensics

Objective: To show working examples of network attacks, how they can be detected and analysed.

Target Audience: If you are a network manager, a network supervisor and your job is network security, your job depends on keeping the bad guys out; this is the one-day event for you.

What will happen on the day? The first part of the day will include presentations from people who have investigated network forensic incidents as part of their jobs – not sample scenarios, theoretical problems or rumours – but real situations that these people have tackled first hand.  The second part of the event will use a demonstration network to simulate hacking attacks of the types described earlier in the day.  You will see how these attacks can be investigated and analysed.

Open Source software tools will be used and demonstrated to capture and replay incidents, filter and analyse network traffic, and create a time-line of information on a compromised system.

Of course, nobody would dare to attack your network but just in case, this event is all about being forewarned and forearmed.

Who is leading the day?: Alan Woodroffe is a long serving ISSG Committee member, a Fellow of the BCS, a Chartered Engineer and a SANS GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst (SANS GCIA). He has worked with a number of large organisations, including central government, to keep the bad guys out!


Organiser: BCS Information Security SG (ISSG)

Price: BCS Members = �120.00 (+VAT), Non-Members = �150.00 (+VAT), Students = �45.00 (+VAT)

Booking Link: https://events.bcs.org/book/195/

Further Information: Further Information

Closing date for bookings is 12:00pm on Monday 14th May 2012. No more bookings will be taken after this date.

Cancellation Policy

In the event of cancellation and provided Written Notice (letter or email to Member Groups Team) is received by Friday,11th May, 2012, a full refund will be made.

In the event of cancellation after this date, we regret that no refund can be given.

BCS reserve the right to cancel any event. In this case, the full fee will be refunded.

Details of event changes or cancellations are available by phoning +44 (0)1793 417478.

Name Substitutions

Name substitutions are accepted up to 72 hours prior to the event by fax or email.

Fax: +44 (0)1793 417444

Email: groups@hq.bcs.org.uk

For overseas delegates who wish to attend the event please note that BCS do not issue invitation letters.

More information on this event can be found on the BCS ISSG Specialist Group Website

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