Google Reveals What Voters Are Searching For Ahead Of EU Referendum

Google shows off regional analytics on how UK citizens are looking to vote in the upcoming EU referendum

On Thursday June 23, the UK will hold a referendum on whether Britain will remain in the European Union or to initiate a ‘Brexit’.

The vote is on a knife-edge, with recent polls suggesting ‘leave’ has the upper hand. So to give us a better idea, search giant Google has released insights into how people are searching for EU referendum information across the different regions in the UK.

EU Referendum

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Leave vs Stay

Google analysed the amount of people Googling for “leave” the EU, and “stay” in the EU, over seven days between May 31 and June 7.

Some of the most common questions Googled were “What is Brexit?” and “When is the EU referedum?”

People also searched for information on how to register to vote in the referendum, and for information regarding who to vote.

EuropeInterestingly, the Internet has played a major part in the EU referendum. Last week, the register to vote website run by the UK government buckled under the traffic of last-minute voters attempting to register. The traffic was three times higher than the website saw running up to last year’s general election.

Is the British technology industry better off with the UK as an EU member?

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The referendum also brings with it numerous technology business uncertainties, such as how will the UK adhere to European data regulations if we choose to leave, and will Britain’s cybersecurity weaken if we are no longer part of the EU?

You can check out the full results here (warning, some readers may find this content disturbing if they are of a “remain” predisposition).

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