
Five Arrested In Raids On Ukraine Zeus/SpyEye Malware Ring

Investigators from across Europe participated in coordinated actions to take down a banking malware group

10 years ago

SpyEye Banking Malware Mastermind Pleads Guilty

Russian national pleads guilty to creating and spreading the SpyEye malware with partner in crime

11 years ago

Alleged SpyEye Botmaster Extradited To US

Man sent to US from Bangkok where he was arrested in January

12 years ago

Baltic Men Jailed For £100,000 SpyEye Operation

Three men from Baltic nations have been sent down for a total of nine years

13 years ago

Banking Trojans Crack Two-Factor Authentication

The Zeus and SpyEye cyber-criminal toolkits have been modified to automate the process of stealing from online bank accounts that…

13 years ago

Sandbox Protection From Malware-As-A-Service And Zeus Variants Will Trend In 2012

A Verisign report on 2012 security threats picks MaaS and open-source Zeus kit issues as sandbox candidates

13 years ago

DIY Botnet Kits Spawning Lean, Mean Networks

Hackers are increasingly using DIY crimeware kits to push out malicious botnets but SpyEye dominates

13 years ago

Malware With Zeus Bank Fraud Features In The Wild

Researchers have identified two different malware samples that have clearly taken on Zeus components

13 years ago

Rapid Spread Of Cracked SpyEye Trojan Code Expected

Experts predict an explosion in SpyEye variants now the pricey kit is openly available cheap – or even free

13 years ago

Virgin Media Warns Customers Of SpyEye Infection

Virgin Media has cooperated with SOCA to identify broadband customers who are infected by SpyEye

14 years ago

Trusteer Launches Cloud-Based Fraud Protection

Trusteer's Pinpoint service is aimed at protecting against banking Trojans such as SpyEye and Zeus

14 years ago

Zeus And SpyEye Trojans Form Malware Alliance

Bankers are bothered by a big botnet, made of two major Trojans, Zeus and SpyEye

14 years ago