Visa Sued For Genesco Data Breach Fine

Visa is being sued over the financial fines it issued after a security breach at Genesco

12 years ago

Getting Cyber Security Legislation Right

Governments are creating legislation to combat cyber crime, Imperva’s Rob Rachwald wonders if their methods will work

13 years ago

Lush Hack Leads ICO To Warn Other Online Retailers

Lush Cosmetics avoided an ICO fine for a recent security breach but had to pay for an expensive redesign

13 years ago

PCI SSC And Cisco Guides On Securing Virtual Systems

The PCI Council's latest guide explores virtual environment security while Cisco shows how to achieve compliance

13 years ago

Infosec: PCI Compliant Companies See Fewer Breaches

Most businesses fail to see how PCI-DSS compliance brings overall data security to their organisation

13 years ago

Cisco’s Wireless Security Goes Beyond PCI Compliance

Cisco has launched wireless security that exceeds current, and possibly future, PCI-DSS requirements

14 years ago

Does Virtualisation Break Compliance?

Companies face increasingly stiff regulations for their IT. Peter Judge asks - if you virtualise your servers, will you fall…

14 years ago

PCI-DSS 2.0 Emphasises Transaction Log Management

The PCI Security Standards Council has updated the PCI DSS and PA-DSS with clarifications to help businesses improve compliance and…

14 years ago