Hidden App Locates Stolen Laptop In Iran

A man finds his stolen MacBook Pro in Tehran thanks to spy software

A man who had his laptop stolen from his flat in North London in February has been able to locate it in Iran because he installed tracking software before the theft occurred.

Hidden App emailed animator Dom Deltorto to inform him that his stolen MacBook Pro was now in Tehran and sent images of the new owners taken using the in-built camera.

Deltorto informed the police, who said that it was unlikely that anything could be done as it was outside their jurisdiction. He instead started a blog to post images of the new owners, who have since been in touch to inform him that they had not stolen the laptop and had bought it innocently.

Hidden App success

macbookpro0Deltorto has said that he does not want the MacBook Pro back as an apology for infringing their privacy.

“It seemed to me that a laptop that went missing from London and turned up in Iran was like a space probe landing on a distant planet and beaming back proof of intelligent life,” he said, explaining that his blog was set up for the amusement of his friends, who then shared it to their friends who also shared it.

The story began to attract unexpected media attention and Deltorto began to receive emails from people concerned about the privacy of the subjects of the photos. He responded by blurring their faces, but one of the people in them got in contact to say that they were not the thieves.

“The safety and wellbeing of private individuals is more important than any possession, although I still miss my laptop I do not wish ill on anyone,” said Deltorto. “The innocent new owners of my laptop have been in touch and are mortified about the story and are keen to return the laptop.

“Given the huge error of judgement on my part in sharing the story and failing to respect their privacy I have asked them to keep it by means of an apology.”

Deltorto’s iPad has still not been found.

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