Application performance management specialist Compuware now offers deep transaction management from the edge through the mainframe, with its new Compuware APM for Mainframe solution.
By combining Compuware dynaTrace’s PurePath Technology with Compuware Strobe’s mainframe application management technology, distributed system and mainframe teams can resolve performance problems faster, reduce MIPS costs, postpone hardware upgrades and accelerate time-to-market for new applications, Compuware officials said.
IT Towers
Compuware APM for Mainframe is available in two versions: PurePath for z/OS CICS for monitoring CICS application transactions in a CICS region or CICSPlex; and PurePath for z/OS Java for monitoring mainframe Java applications.
“As applications mature in order to be delivered on mobile, tablet and new interfaces, many businesses still rely on tried and true mainframe processing for those transactions,” said Jonah Kowall, research director at Gartner, in a statement. “Triage and trace of transactions across these discrete tiers is a complex problem to solve, which is not helped by separate organisations, monitoring and other tooling ownership between these IT towers. This makes it difficult to determine the impact these transactions have on mainframe resource and application performance.”
“The increasing need for mainframes to support real-time systems of engagement like banking, travel and retail has created a huge industry problem that hasn’t been addressed – until now,” said Bob Paul, CEO of Compuware, in a statement. “Typically, when organisations have mobile, Web or business applications that put performance pressures on the mainframe, they are blind and can’t trace transactions from the distributed tiers deep into the mainframe. For the first time ever, with Compuware APM for Mainframe, we’ve extended deep transaction management into the mainframe. This innovation propels Compuware’s APM leadership and our competitive advantage, by providing our customers with an unmatched new-generation APM offering for mainframe.”
Transaction Management
Compuware APM for Mainframe maps each mainframe transaction procedure, including timings to determine which procedure steps are taking longer than expected to complete.
It features n-tier visibility from an end-user’s browser across Web and app servers, through message brokers into CICS and all the way to the database so that operators can quickly determine the problem root cause and fix issues before they turn into serious problems.
PurePath for z/OS provides automatic discovery, transaction mapping and out-of-the-box dashboards for visibility into mainframe transactions, with no code changes required. It also provides faster mean-time-to-resolve (MTTR) with one-click hotspot analysis of mainframe applications, including long-running and highly distributed jobs. And Strobe provides reporting and analysis for profiling mainframe WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere MQ, Message Broker, Enterprise Service Bus, CICS, IMS, batch, DB2, CICS Transaction Gateway (CTG), Java Message Service (JMS), Web services, COBOL and PL/I.
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