Ubuntu Edge

Canonical Refreshes With ‘Snappy’ Ubuntu Core And Easy Updates

New version of Ubuntu Core comes with transactional updates to mimic a mobile phone update

10 years ago

Ubuntu Mobile Is In A Stronger Place Despite Crowdfunding Failure

The Ubuntu Edge may never be made, but Ubuntu Mobiles are one step closer to a reality, says Steve McCaskill

11 years ago

Ubuntu Edge Misses £20.8m Funding Target By Two Thirds

Canonical takes positives from record breaking crowdfunding campaign

11 years ago

Ubuntu Edge Breaks Crowdfunding Record But Is Unlikely To Meet £20.8m Target

Ubuntu Edge celebrates new record, but has just six days to raise another £14 million

11 years ago

Minimum Ubuntu Edge Pledge Lowered To £448

Industry backing and lower component prices led to Ubuntu Edge reduction, but project risks failure

11 years ago

Bloomberg Is First Major Corporate Ubuntu Edge Backer

Bloomberg pledges $80,000 towards Ubuntu Edge, but project looks set to miss funding target

11 years ago

Ubuntu Edge Smartphone Sets Record £20.8m Crowdsourcing Target

Canonical wants £20.8m to build 40,000 Ubuntu superphones

11 years ago