Sony Pictures

US Charges Three North Korean Hackers

US charges three North Korean military hackers, and accuses one of them of being involved in Wannacry (2017) and Sony…

4 years ago

Cryptocurrency Attendees Should Avoid North Korean Conference, Warns UN

Experts at the United Nations (UN) warn attendees of upcoming cryptocurrency conference in North Korea they could be cited for…

5 years ago

Sony Music Apologises For Britney Death Tweet

Sony says sorry after hack of Twitter account, which was then used to claim that Britney Spears had died

8 years ago

Sony Pays Out Millions In Hack Compensation

Sony agrees £5m settlement with staff after devastating Sony Pictures hack, allegedly by North Korea

9 years ago

Sony’s Positive Q1 Helped By PS4, Despite Mobile Decline

Sony performs strongly, but its smartphone business remains a problem with sales down 16 percent

9 years ago

North Korean Hackers Can Kill, Claims Defector

North Korea spends up to 20 percent of its military budget honing its cyber-attack capabilities

9 years ago

WikiLeaks Condemned For Sony Pictures Email Publication

'Its just not cricket'. WikiLeaks slated for publishing hacked Sony Pictures documents

9 years ago

North Korea Web Outage Was Revenge For Sony Hack

North Korea's December Internet blackout was in retaliation for the Sony hack, admits US cybersecurity official

10 years ago

NSA Analysis Of Sony Hack Identifies North Korea

The NSA backs FBI conclusion that North Korea was responsible for the damaging hack of Sony Pictures

10 years ago

North Korea Hack On Sony Was ‘Sloppy’, Says FBI Director

FBI Director reiterates North Korea as the Sony hack culprit because they failed to cover their tracks

10 years ago

Sony Boss Dismisses Financial Impact Of Hack

Sony's CEO doesn't envisage a significant financial impact from notorious hack, despite the damage

10 years ago

Sony Pictures Threatens To Sue Twitter Over Hack Leaks

As the Internet connection in North Korea recovers from a mysterious outage, Sony warns Twitter of a possible lawsuit

10 years ago

North Korea Threatens US Strikes In Sony Hacking Row

After proposing a joint investigation with the US into the cyber-attack, North Korea has threatened 'counteraction'

10 years ago