Despite ongoing legal tussle with Western Digital, Toshiba is to sell its NAND chip unit for some much needed capital

Despite ongoing legal tussle with Western Digital, Toshiba is to sell its NAND chip unit for some much needed capital
Sorry iPhone. Android smartphones can now have an extra 400GB storage, with world’s highest-capacity microSD card
New SanDisk iXpand USB devices offer up between 16GB and 128GB external storage for data stingy iPhone and iPad devices
Flash meets flash in £13bn storage deal as European Commission rules that buyout won't harm competition
Purchase of flash storage giant Sandisk is latest in large acquisition deals currently reshaping tech industry
SanDisk is reportedly approached by two rivals as IT and cloud consolidation continues
The new-gen storage system combines NexentaStor with InfiniFlash IF100 data center hardware and is designed to scale from 64TB to 2PB configurations
SanDisk takes swipe at traditional hard drives with 'affordable' SSD aimed at verticals and consumers
Firm says card is world's highest capacity microSD, looks set to bump up Android storage capacity
SanDisk's record-breaking memory card is aimed at professionals working in ultra high-definition video
The new members will help Linux developers with money, expertise
Flash manufacturer hopes innovative enterprise products will protect it against the volatility of the memory chip market
CloudSpeed Extreme, Ultra, Ascend and Eco are aimed at different application workloads
The engineer who leaked proprietary information is in custody