
Microsoft Removes Million PCs From Citadel Botnet Clutches

Microsoft has freed more than 1.2 million PCs from the control of the Citadel botnet and its criminal masters

12 years ago

Clues To Botmaster Identity Revealed In Chat Logs

Clues and details about the Cutwail botnet and its creator have been discovered in chat logs by Russian authorities

13 years ago

Microsoft Court Order Shuts Down Kelihos Botnet

Microsoft continues to wage war with botnets after gaining a court order to take down Kelihos

13 years ago

Spam Hits Pre-Rustock Takedown Levels

A spam outbreak is hitting levels not seen since Rustock was disabled in March, according to Commtouch

14 years ago

Microsoft Offers Bounty For Rustock Operators

Microsoft has offered $250,000 for information leading to the conviction of the Rustock botnet's operators

14 years ago

Rustock Botnet Size Halved Since Server Takedown

Microsoft released the latest statistics for the crippled Rustock spam server it helped to take down in March

14 years ago

Seized Rustock Servers Reveal Compromised Emails

Microsoft forensic experts have uncovered 400,000 email addresses from seized Rustock servers

14 years ago

FBI Severs Botnet Servers And Begins Manhunt

The FBI has shut down the massive Coreflood botnet and is hunting 13 criminals who stole millions of dollars

14 years ago

Harnig Botnet Goes Offline After Rustock Raid

Another botnet has ceased operations after it emerged that the Harnig (Piptea) botnet has gone offline

14 years ago

Spam Volumes Dip After Seizure Of Rustock Servers

The global volume of spam has dropped dramatically after Rustock's servers were seized by US Marshalls

14 years ago

Inside The Botnet Threat Highlight At RSA

Dell and Damballa discussed the growth of toolkits and pay-per-install botnet growth at the RSA Conference

14 years ago

Spam Declines As Botnets Rethink Their Strategies

Spam levels fell over Christmas but Symantec reckons this may be the lull before a storm coming in 2011

14 years ago