The fund will be available for anyone with a "valid claim" for being affected by the 2015 breach

The fund will be available for anyone with a "valid claim" for being affected by the 2015 breach
Question marks over the safety of medical kit has been raised again as study finds widespread medical complacency
DocuSign has warned users to immediately delete any unexpected communications
Researchers tricked the dongle into thinking it was connected to a car before hijacking the device
Have hackers ruined your casserole? Aga ovens are vulnerable to hackers who can turn your oven on and off
A student has been sentenced to three years’ probation for selling malicious software that allowed cyber criminals to remotely control Android smartphones
Leaked FBI data has been posted online after a well known hacker penetrated the Fed's CMS system
From Russia with love? Ukraine investigates weekend cyber attack on Kiev's power grid
Experts warn the US election could be disrupted by hackers, and warn authorities to closely watch key US states
Long standing Linux vulnerability also impacts Android and can be used to root devices, researcher warns
Official report blames 'foreign intelligence service' for hack on Aussie weather supercomputer
Democrat computer hacked by Russian intelligence agencies and lifted opposition data on 'The Donald'
Hold Security finds hacker trying to offload stash of 272.3 million stolen email account credentials
Accounts dept not going to like this expense claim, as FBI director reveals fee for unlocking terrorist iPhone
Who has been a naughty boy then? Scottish teenager arrested over alleged hack into FBI computer system
You couldn't make it up! Rescued at sea by a Disney cruise ship, Anonymous hacker then arrested by the Feds
Online 'How To Hack' guides makes hacking child's play, Christopher Graham tells MPs
Hosting firm resets all passwords after user credentials found on an “external server”, following DDoS attack
Christmas fail. Hacker stole celebrity sex tapes and film scripts, and then tries to sell them to uncover agent
You are nicked my son! Man held for hacking offences after last month's breach of VTech database
Former IBM software engineer Jiaqiang Xu allegedly stole and leaked IBM proprietary source code
Security firm accused of protecting Islamic State-affiliated websites from Anonymous hackers
Significant hack of Securus comprimises over 70 million records of prison phone calls
Creep alert. Stefan Rigo hacked webcams using BlackShades malware and spied on couples having sex
Bug reporting system compromised by hackers and used to attack on Firefox users, Mozilla admits
Brit allegedly hacked US Army, NASA, and Federal Reserve, but fights extradition request to the US
No justice? Finnish teenager and Lizard Squad member responsible for 50,700 hacks avoids prison time
Could hackers gain access to modern rail signalling equipment and cause serious crashes?
Forget hanging chads. Damning report highlights shocking security of voting terminals used in American elections
North Korea's December Internet blackout was in retaliation for the Sony hack, admits US cybersecurity official