Fuel Cells

Vodafone Plots Fuel Cell Future For Network Infrastructure

Vodafone says fuel cells can help meet demand for mobile data in emerging markets without increasing emissions or noise pollution

10 years ago

Tesla Powerwall Battery Launched To Power Homes

Carmaker reveals rechargeable lithium-ion battery unit that stores solar power for homes and businesses

10 years ago

Panasonic Kicks Off ‘Sustainable Town’

Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town looks to spur on sustainable power generation, emissions reductions, smart metering and other green technologies

10 years ago

Can Local Energy Measures Add Up To A Smart Grid?

Peter Judge thinks smart grid technologies work best applied at the grass roots level

10 years ago

Microsoft Proposes Fuel Cells Inside Data Centre Racks

Making racks that power themselves could cut data centre energy needs, says Microsoft

11 years ago

When Britain’s Green SMEs Go To China, Knowledge Goes Both Ways

When British cleantech companies visit the socialist state, Max Smolaks asks if they go to learn or to teach?

11 years ago

Scientists Invent Mobile Phone Charging Powered By Urine

Boffins assure sceptics they are not taking the proverbial after revealing a mobile phone charged by urine

12 years ago

eBay Data Centre Extension To Use Renewable Fuel Cells

eBay's Utah facility will use biogas fuel cells as its primary power source

13 years ago

Bloom Energy Eyes Up Data Centre Niche For Fuel Cells

Fuel cell maker Bloom Energy is turning its attention to the data centre sector to help tackle emission reduction issues

13 years ago

Patents Reveal Apple’s Fuel Cell Research

Patents published by the US Patent and Trademark Office detail Apple's plans to make cheaper, lighter fuel cells

13 years ago