email accounts

Plusnet Email Outage Causes Frustrations

No emails for Plusnet users. Thousands of Plusnet customers have been unable to access their emails since Wednesday morning

3 years ago

Wipro Hires Forensic Firm After Hack

Firm investigates alleged hack of IT systems that are being used to launch attacks against customers

6 years ago

US State Department Suffers Email System Breach

Slow roll-out of two factor authentication blamed after State Department admits email data breach

6 years ago

Spambot Contains 711 Million Email Addresses

Huge data breach. Misconfigured spambot reveals 700m email addresses and number of passwords

7 years ago

UK Parliament Hit By Cyber Attack Targeting Email Accounts

Experts have suggested that a foreign government could be responsible

7 years ago

DocuSign Suffers Data Breach, Customers Targeted With Phishing Emails

DocuSign has warned users to immediately delete any unexpected communications

7 years ago

US Defence Secretary Used Personal Email For Government Business

Pentagon boss violated rules after using personal email account to conduct government business

9 years ago

Iran Launches National Email Service For All Citizens

But cannot promise that the domestic and state-controlled email service will be free of censorship

11 years ago

Sophos Highlights Security Risk After Facebook Email Change

Facebook's decision to make the address the default email address is a security risk, warns Sophos

12 years ago

Poor Email Handling Risks Legal Action, Study Warns

Poor email management by firms is risking legal consequences a majority of workers believe

13 years ago

Orange Confirms Email Outage For Broadband Customers

Orange has confirmed its broadband customers are having problems accessing their email accounts

13 years ago

Barracuda Networks Embarrassed By Database Hack

Hacked security company Barracuda lost email addresses of employees, channel partners and sales leads

14 years ago

Chinese Yahoo Users Suffer Hacked Email Accounts

The Yahoo email accounts of some human rights activists and journalists in China and Taiwan have reportedly been hacked into

15 years ago