Chinese administrator labels Google's rejection of its digital certificates as "unacceptable"

Chinese administrator labels Google's rejection of its digital certificates as "unacceptable"
Adobe server is hacked as attackers pilfer certificate, presumably for targeted attacks
Microsoft's September Patch Tuesday has a relatively light load, but October promises to be more substantial
Two researchers have proposed a way to catch forged SSL certificates and increase the level of trust in CAs
Apple arrives late to the party with an update protecting users from fraudulent DigitNotar SSL certificates
For five weeks now Google users have been targeted by hackers using a forged SSL certificate
Apple equipment is increasingly on the radar of malware writers and cyber-criminals, AVG warns
Vasco has acquired a Dutch authentication specialist to enter that country's e-government market
The recent Stuxnet attack on an Iranian nuclear facility sounded like just another attack, but there was more to it, says Jeff Hudson